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2018 - The project aims to meet the need of trade unionists and work councils’ members to learn more and better how to move in praxis in order to promote information and consultation procedures in their companies. This will be attained through bringing up problems encountered and good practices achieved regarding information and consultation of employees’/workers’ representatives in different countries, including cases of information and consultation at combined national and European levels, as well as by organising capacity building activities for representatives of trade unions and work councils. Project website: http://strengtheninginvolvement.obes.gr/ Project toolkit: http://informationandconsultation.eu/en/ Partners: DEOK (Cyprus), OBES (Greece), FAI CISL (Italy), UHM (Malta), PODKREPA (Bulgaria)
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2014 - The project was aiming to achieve the following objectives: (a)Establish and support of a proactive social dialogue and regular and effective communication channel between employers and workers organizations in Cyprus on workers mobility/migration, (b) improve collection of data to monitor flows, stock, and labour/social challenges of EU mobile/migrants workers, (c) enhance knowledge, awareness and capacity building on mobility/migration and integration services and facilities. Partners: DEOK (Cyprus)
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2009 - Ο στόχος του προγράμματος ήταν η ανάπτυξη και προώθηση διαφόρων δραστηριοτήτων για να φτάσουν στους διακινούμενους εργαζομένους μέσω καινοτόμων τρόπων συμβουλευτικής, πληροφόρησης, υποστήριξης, οργάνωσης και προστασίας αυτών και των οικογενειών τους έτσι ώστε να χτιστούν διασυνοριακές γέφυρες αξιοπρεπούς εργασίας. Εταίροι: ΔΕΟΚ (Κύπρος), NKOS (Σλοβακία), Alfa-Cartel (Ρουμανία)
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2008-2009 - The project was aiming to introduce a model program for training teachers for work in non formal education. The project was based on the premises that for the work in this qualitatively different from the formal education field the teachers do need special skills and attitudes and as well a knowledge for the character and the developments of the system in order to be able to build a succesful career there. Partners: DEOK (Cyprus), OECF (Bulgaria), NTU (Bulgaria), NOEMA-CMI (Finland), NKOS (Slovakia)
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2007 - The project was aiming to promote European Works Councils as ideal tools for the promotion and facilitation of information dissemination, consultation and participation of representatives of undertakings. In this respect, the aim of this project runs parallel to the aims of the European Community in this respect as outlined in Directive 94/45. Partners: DEOK (Cyprus), GWU (Malta), EAKL (Estonia) |